2021 Strongest Year Ever For Marketing Budgets Globally

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Global Advertising Market Sees Record Growth In 2021 – Up 23.8% To $771bn

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Advertiser Spend On TV And Social Media Is Twice As High As Daily Consumption

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Global Advertising Spend Set To Rise By 12.6% This Year To Reach US$665bn

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Covid-19 Causes Digital Consumption To Rise By Over 30%, Forming New And Lasting Consumer Habits

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Broadcast TV Spend Fell $34bn Worldwide Last Year As Advertisers Moved Money Into Streaming Platforms

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Following An Almost Full Year Of Dramatic Decline, The Global Marketing Industry Ended 2020 In Growth

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$63bn Removed From The Global Advertising Market In 2020 Due To The Impact Of COVID-19. Recovery Will Take At Least Two Years

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Mobile Remains The Fastest Growing Channel Despite Budgets Being Impacted By COVID-19 Crisis

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Brand Investment In e-Sports To Rise To $844m This Year But New Audiences Were Hard To Woo During Lockdown

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