By: Salma Badrawy, Senior Media Executive at Starcom

It all started with the big bang, the big bang in the digital world that led to a plethora of platforms that back then were not of any importance. But by time it became a necessity. It started with Myspace, Yahoo, Hi5, MSN and more. At that time, no one ever believed that anything would dethrone these giants. However, David came and slayed these goliaths. Right now, history is repeating itself with another reincarnation of David under a new name: Threads.

Twitter launched back in 2006, and it took nearly 3 years to reach 58 million users. It was the only player that offered a unique way to express opinions and throughout the years, the platform started adding more and more features. But the question is, will Twitter survive? And how will the digital space perceive Threads? Let’s start with the basics.

What makes it any different than Twitter?

In less than 24 hours, more than 30 million users celebrated the revived version of Twitter again – aka Threads. In less than a week, the app has garnered nearly 100 million users. However, many are left questioning the purpose of this new app. Will it be used for entertainment and leisure, brand building, or simply another application to waste time? Is it an app to use when you have nothing else to do?

Unlike Twitter, Threads lacks the ability to search for hashtags and specific phrases. It allows posting up to 500 characters, including links, photos, and videos up to five minutes long. Similar to Instagram’s carousels, the app also allows up to 10 photos to be added in a single post – unlike Twitter where users can post only four photos. 

Threads users – are they here to stay?

In just one day, Threads has already amassed over 30 million users, sparking widespread curiosity about the app’s feature and purpose. The app’s simple sign-in process – which allows users to log in directly using their Instagram account – has made it easy for many to try out the new platform. 

Yet, despite the app’s impressive initial uptake, questions remain about the app’s life expectancy. Will Threads prove to be a passing trend, or does it have the potential to become a lasting player in the social media landscape? As users continue to explore the app’s features and capabilities, it remains to be seen how many will continue to use Threads over the long term.

What does Threads mean for advertisers?

Mark Zuckerburg has stated that the focus for Threads is achieving success first before pursuing monetization. While there are currently no plans to drop ads on the platform, the app’s large user base presents a unique opportunity for businesses to engage with users organically. As an individual app, closely integrated with Instagram, Threads may offer an easier way for businesses to manage customer relationships across both platforms. Many brands have already started to explore Threads, experimenting with different strategies for engaging with their audience and building popularity. However, as with any social media platform, the algorithm and mechanisms behind Threads are unique, and businesses are still working to understand the most effective ways to leverage the platform. Only time will tell if Threads will be following in the footsteps of other successful social media platforms.

In conclusion, Threads has generated a lot of interest and curiosity among users. While it shares some similarities with Twitter, there are some key differences, such as the absence of hashtags and the emphasis on personalized feeds determined by machine learning. Despite the initial surge of 30 million users, it is yet to be seen whether Threads will have a lasting presence in the social media landscape. However, for businesses that already use Instagram for marketing and advertising, the integration between both platforms could offer an opportunity to engage with users and manage customer relationships. As Threads continues to evolve and grow, it will be interesting to see how businesses and users adapt to this new platform and its unique features.