Co-authored by
Guendalina Guaita, Strategist at FutureBrand Milan
Nadia Paleari, Junior Account Executive at FutureBrand Milan
“There is no love sincerer than the love of food”, with this opening FutureBrand’s “Future of Food” begins a journey in the food industry, its trends and upcoming future transformations. From generational change and the evolving lifestyles, to localism and globalization, from health and wellbeing to the new technologies and up to the Covid-19 pandemic, the food industry has been shaken to its core. In particular, the pandemic constitutes the watershed, the unexpected occurrence, which reshaped not only our lives as individuals, but our behaviors as society as well. The consequences are many and the report offers a comprehensive, in-depth analysis on the evolution of the industry over the next decades.
Leveraging on FutureBrand’s global network reach and long-time experience in the sector, Future of Food offers a unique point of view on the ongoing transformations, further enriched thanks to contributions from industry experts and professionals, as well as the analysis of compelling best practices and case studies. The result is a functional and comprehensive tool – a compass – for food professionals and brands, who aim to stay relevant and “futureproof”.
Future of Food identifies 5 macro-trends informing the food industry on the foreseeable upcoming transformations and how to effectively cope with them. The concept “2020, the reinventing revolution” is introduced and investigated with the meaningful contribution of Alessandra Corsi, Marketing Director of Conad, a large-scale retail trade (GDO) present in all Italy, and Raphael Osterling, an acclaimed Peruvian Chef with 7 restaurants in his home country. They both witnessed first-hand the impact of the pandemic on agriculture, retail and hospitality, and discuss how to better adapt in order to endure beyond the pandemic. Indeed Covid-19 accelerated macro-trends that were already underway and forced a necessary modification of existing habits. Brands had to rethink the way their products and services are experienced, particularly the retail store experiences were redesigned in the form of “in- home” solutions, so as to reach consumers directly at home. Undoubtedly, the pandemic may have changed the experience of a product or service as it used to be, however the quality and taste appeal is still confirmed as a key purchase driver for consumers.
The so-called “ethical dilemma” trend, namely the difficult choice between convenience and sustainability, has been also investigated. Today, consumers look for practical, tasty solutions, yet they deeply care about the impact of their purchase options on the planet too. Marianna Palella, CEO of Citrus, together with Matteo Sarzana, General Manager of Deliveroo Italy, confirm that today the experience goes beyond the product itself and brands are asked to be responsible and transparent. Certainly, convenience is confirmed as a main purchase driver, however, brands are asked to revision their entire production chain in order to offer qualitatively high and sustainable products at reasonable prices.
A third pillar of these transformations is the rediscovery of the local roots of food, although, in a society more connected than ever, localism is now revised as “new local”. That is the result of a unique fusion of cultures and food habits, which creates new, unprecedented taste experiences thanks to the global melting pot.
Additionally, the study confirms that the very concept of food is changing: “eat well and be well” is the new mantra. Acknowledging that food is more than just a mere source of nourishment is the premise to understand the “food of the future”, characterized by diversification and segmentation.
For these reasons, technology will play a crucial role and the future of food will pass through science labs. Research and innovation are keys to find out sustainable solutions in a world where resources are getting scarcer and insufficient. Science can find new ways of farming, develop lab-generated food, as well as foster plants resiliency in extreme climates. In the upcoming years, the consumption of upcycled or plant-based food will therefore constantly grow, and food and drinks will become more and more customized on the individual needs.
In conclusion, “Future of Food” is an insightful tool, intended to be used as focal lenses for brands to focus on the hidden opportunities of the occurring transformations, and how to effectively seize them. The study ultimately assesses the importance of transformation and adaptation through innovation, in order to stay relevant and be able to always connect with consumers, creating meaningful bond and relationships.