By Dina Faour, Professor of Advertising at The American University in Dubai, IAAUAE Board Member and MEDEA Vice President

Branding you: The 10 Commandments to Being a True Creative

Let’s look at our beloved brands for advice.

Never Stop Improving – Lowes

Practice and do so deliberately.

With every idea you find, explore directions and possibilities.

Your way of thinking is unique; make sure you expand it.

Challenge Everything – Electronic Arts

Question the facts and find what can you redefine.

New perspectives that defy and disrupt the norms await you.

Think Big – Imax

Think of the bigger picture: the impact of your message,

the power of your brand, the significance of your contribution

and how this all serves your brand.

Think Small – VW

The details make all the difference.

Respect every task and pay attention to minute details.

The bigger picture would never be perfect, if the details were blurred.

Aim High – Air Force

Set your goals, identify your plan and follow it.

Aiming high keeps you perseverant as you perfect your work.

Never Follow – Audi

Others have done it their way; you will find your own.

You are unique and your awareness of the world around you is also unique.

Stay original. Be true to yourself.

Think Different – Apple

When you challenge the facts and question the details,

Search for that different approach.

Push through the predictable until you find that different, innovative path.

Be All You Can Be – US Army (1980 to 2001)

You chose this profession. Now, you must conquer it.

You are here because you are passionate.

Give it your all and enjoy the blessing of being creative.

Just Do It! – Nike

The worst that could happen is that you fail.

But you know how to learn from your failures.

The worst failure is to not just do it and learn.

Power, Beauty and Soul – Aston Martin

The perfect checklist for your work:

It is powerful?

– Insight, effectiveness, impact

Is it beautiful?

– Execution, aesthetic appeal, crafting

Is it soulful?

– Cultural relevance, emotional appeal