“Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic”

           Arthur C Clarke

Monte Carlo – May 4th 2023 – two years to the day since my father passed away.

I’m standing in a darkened room at the Metaverse Entertainment World Summit (MEWS) with a lump growing in my throat and tears welling in my eyes, shielded beneath a VR headset, my heart is torn between being as heavy as stone and totally weightless. I am immersed in a giant digital redwood tree wearing the VR kit and gesture sensors on my hands, as I move into the tree, I see particles of water making their way up the veins of the tree and molecules of oxygen being released from the branches and digital leaves. I have had some time to explore a little before I involuntarily start to slowly ascend the inside of the trunk amongst the living pixels of the tree. I start to float above the tree amongst the light particles flowing upwards and the great redwood recedes beyond my reach, the darkened space turns lighter and brighter, I am being pulled out of the world I was exploring.

Going into this experience I had only given cursory conscious thought to the day’s meaning as I messaged my mum in the morning to check in on her. On entering the immersive world however, I was taken deep into my emotions and while I explored the tree’s digital life, moving my hands and affecting the flow of particles around me I felt a deep connection and the exploration was one too, of my soul.

As humans we are very good at overlaying meaning, even when the link may be tenuous, but on that day the synchronicity seemed to be unusual, it was only a few hours earlier and I’d been on the MEWS stage presenting a keynote titled Experience a Metaverse powered by soul.

The theme explored human-centric design in the metaverse, placing human needs, emotions, and experiences at the center of its development. I discussed how it involves understanding and catering to users’ desires for connection, self-expression, and meaningful interactions. I explored several metaverse case studies with Faryar and Marcin from Accenture Song’s partners, Clipo Labs based in San Francisco. These draw an arc from the individual, the tribe, the nation and beyond; and each tick the boxes of my six principals for building a soulful metaverse, detailed at the end as a takeaway.

Virtual Burning Man

Faryar Ghazanfari and Marcin Kmiec from Clipo Labs explored with me in this case study how authenticity and self-expression of the individual can be created and how we form tribes through shared connections and purpose.

Clipo Lab’s built the Virtual Burning Man in Multiverse IIR during covid and delivered an authentic and immersive festival experience to almost a hundred thousand visitors. With the ability to customize their avatars and with an area equivalent to 7 square miles of Black Rock Desert full of art, DJs and parties to explore, each with different purposes and ethoses people found themselves and discovered their tribe.

The First Digital Nation
Tuvalu case study video

This campaign by The Monkeys, part of Accenture Song / Sydney, was awarded the coveted Grand Prix at The Drum Awards for Marketing APAC 2023, as well as winning in the Creative, PR and Social Purpose categories. Tuvalu, a low-lying Pacific nation, faces the imminent threat of submergence due to global sea level rise. Accenture Song created the world’s first digital nation that was launched at COP27.

wThe process has started to catalogue, map, record and save as much of the island as possible; digitizing historical documents, records and cultural practices, family albums, and traditional song to name a few.

This example showed how we can bring a nation to life in the metaverse with shared purpose to unite not only a nation but global community.

As I remove the headset and walk out of the immersive redwood installation by Marshmallow Laser Feast, I feel emboldened on the mission to build human centricity into the experiences we create, but it is not without its hurdles.

While human-centric design in the metaverse offers immense potential, it also presents challenges. Balancing technological advancements with human connection is crucial. The metaverse should not be solely driven by cutting-edge technology but should prioritize the emotional and social aspects of human interaction; addressing privacy concerns and ensuring data security is vital to build trust among users.

Into the bargain, inclusivity and diversity must be central in design considerations to create a metaverse that caters to the needs of all individuals.

By embracing human-centric design, the metaverse holds immense potential across various industries. In entertainment, soulful metaverse experiences can revolutionize gaming, storytelling, and virtual events. Education can benefit from immersive and interactive learning environments that cater to diverse learning styles. Commerce can leverage the metaverse to create personalized and interactive shopping experiences. However, it is crucial to remain ethically and socially responsible during the development and expansion of the metaverse, ensuring the well-being and inclusivity of its users.

Human-centric design in the metaverse is paramount to creating a soulful and meaningful digital experience. By prioritizing human needs, emotions, and aspirations, the metaverse can become a realm where users connect, express themselves, and form communities. Strategies such as usability, customization, social interaction, and emotional resonance pave the way for a soulful metaverse experience. However, challenges such as balancing technology and human connection, addressing privacy concerns, and promoting inclusivity must be addressed. With careful consideration and human-centric design, the metaverse has the potential to transform digital experiences and shape a more connected and fulfilling future.

“If we build it right, the metaverse will not be seen as a way to withdraw from life, but and additional layer that enriches it.”

Denise Zheng & Paul Daugherty
Accenture Metaverse Continuum Business Group

As the day comes to a close, I’m back in my hotel room, standing in the dark, contemplating life, and beyond the exciting new tools at our disposal, the obligation to use our time and skills to enrich the world, and the worlds we have the power to create. I don’t know what happens to our soul after we die, I wonder if I simply lack the dimensional cognition to grasp it, maybe only glimpsing the possibilities in our dreams; as don Juan Matus said dreams are our “gateway to infinity”, and as we stand on the brink of an era to be shaped by the combined forces of AI with quantum computing and exponential growth sparked by clean nuclear fusion, the possibilities feel exhilarating and magical.

When creating a metaverse powered by soul, here are six important things to remember:

  1. Human Connection: Prioritize human connection as the heart of the metaverse. Design features and experiences that foster genuine interactions, meaningful relationships, and a sense of community. Remember that technology should enhance human connections, not replace them.
  2. Authenticity and Self-Expression: Embrace authenticity and self-expression within the metaverse. Allow users to customize their avatars, create unique virtual identities, and express their individuality. Provide tools and platforms for users to showcase their talents, passions, and creativity.
  3. Immersive and Engaging Experiences: Craft immersive and engaging experiences that go beyond visual appeal. Incorporate storytelling, quests, and adventures that evoke emotions, challenge users, and offer personal growth opportunities. Ensure that every interaction in the metaverse is purposeful and meaningful.
  4. Privacy and Inclusivity: Make privacy and inclusivity core principles of the metaverse. Implement robust privacy measures to protect user data and ensure a safe environment. Strive for inclusivity by designing for accessibility, celebrating diversity, and promoting equal opportunities for all users.
  5. Balancing Technology and Humanity: Maintain a delicate balance between technological advancements and human needs. Continuously seek feedback from users, adapt and iterate on the metaverse’s design to align with their desires and aspirations. Remember that technology should serve as a vessel for authentic human experiences, enhancing our lives rather than overpowering them.
  6. Dream: Reality is catching up with our dreams, science fiction is becoming science fact. Dream big and imagine a better world, our thoughts shape our actions, our actions shape our world. Dream with purpose!

By keeping these six key principles in mind, you can create a metaverse that is soulful, resonates deeply with users, and enriches their digital experiences with a genuine sense of connection, self-expression, and purpose

Stu Higton

Executive Creative Director | Accenture Song

Dubai | Middle East

Part of the Metaverse Continuum Business Group