Brand Communication is imperative to the sustainable success of any brand. In the current competitive landscape, brands must go beyond narrating a compelling story, they need to communicate in a way that inspires and engages. Having a solid and consistent brand communication strategy allows the brand to stand  out, cut through the noise, build awareness and drive an emotional connection with the audience.The Berries interviewed Selinde Dulckeit, Global Director of Corporate Communications at Geometry Global, to get her insight on how should brands communicate in 2018.

BB: Corporate communication used to be all about exposure and buzz via various media channels; With the rise of new communication concepts, brands find themselves with no choice but to adapt to change. From your opinion, what are the important new trends that corporate communication professionals should keep on their radar to lead in 2018?

SD: While so much has changed in our world, some things are still the same: to make an impact you need good, relevant content delivered through the right, relevant channels. The difference is that the channels have multiplied and the definition of ‘relevant’ has adapted to the digital world we now live in. The trends to watch obviously vary by sector and audience, but my top pick for something that impacts everyone is the ever increasing desire to personalize our products and experiences. Whether you are a retail, consumer or B2B brand, everyone should be thinking about how they can create content, products and services that are more personalized and designed to improve their customers’ experience.

BB: For brands, fake news on social media is an existential threat. Do you think this will effect the level of online brand engagement on social media platforms? In times of fake news, should brands remain silent, refute news or generate content in a different direction? Please elaborate

SD: Fake news is not new; it just spreads much faster than before. I believe that brands need to follow a long-term strategy of continuously building the trust relationship with their audience. There is no single solution for how to handle fake news when it hits, but remaining true to the brand and addressing issues directly and transparently is generally a good policy.

BB: Nowadays, brands are all about designing engaging experiences. How can corporate communication professionals help brands narrate their stories and create an emotional attachment?

SD: Great experiences engage people at the right moment and get them to do something or change their behavior.  This should be the goal from the outset and brands should put the human at the center of their thinking to achieve this. Ideas should emerge from insights into what moves and motivates people, what attracts or repels them, and what would inspire them to act.