E-Lion Day 2024: Peugeot Announces CHAT GPT Implementation & Its Commitment To Education With Born Free
PEUGEOT is enthusiastically and determinedly committed to a radical transformation in order to become the leading brand in the European electric market by 2025. PEUGEOT offers the widest EV line-up of any European mainstream brand and aims to convince its customers to participate in this evolution by multiplying initiatives to make zero-emission mobility accessible, simple and serene.

Following the E-LION DAY initiated in January 2023, PEUGEOT is taking the opportunity in its first communication of 2024 to present its commitment to sustainable development, as well as, the major and structuring actions behind its ambition.
- Globally, Peugeot offers a range that is now 100% electric; the widest of any European mainstream brand, meeting all customer needs, for both Retail and Corporate consumers
- ChatGPT technology offered to all its customers, across the entire range of PEUGEOT Passenger and Commercial vehicles,
- PEUGEOT strengthens its actions in the circular economy, in line with the STELLANTIS Group’s “4R” strategy: Remanufacture, Repair, Reuse, and Recycle,
- The Brand commits to education and announces the partnership with BORN FREE.
The E-LION project is at the heart of PEUGEOT’s strategy to build the sustainable mobility of tomorrow. It is a comprehensive, 360-degree approach that goes well beyond the electrification of vehicles and is based on five “E-pillars”:
- Ecosystem of products and services, based on STELLANTIS solutions.
- Experience for customer, from start to finish.
- Electric, a 100% electric range by the end of 2024.
- Efficiency, delivering maximum performance with minimal electrical consumption.
- Environment, a sustainability goal and our commitment to becoming Carbon Net Zero by 2038.
Linda Jackson, CEO of PEUGEOT: “With the E-Lion project, PEUGEOT is mobilizing all its technological know-how and the creativity of its teams to enable all its customers to access sustainable mobility. As a leader, we want to pave the way. It’s an incredibly rewarding task.”
A complete new EV range: New PEUGEOT E-208, E-2008, E-308, E-308 SW, E-3008, E-RIFTER, E-TRAVELLER, E-PARTNER, E-EXPERT, E-BOXER.
In 2024, the PEUGEOT 100% electric range will be further enriched by two new models: the E-408 and E-5008.
With these 9 passenger vehicles and 3 light commercial vehicles, PEUGEOT offers the widest electric range of any European mainstream automotive manufacturer.
In 2023, PEUGEOT was leading the B electric segment in Europe with E-208 and E-2008.
PEUGEOT is also the European leader in sales of zero-emission light commercial vehicles.
In 2023, for the fifth consecutive year, an annual study conducted by the YouGov organization ranked PEUGEOT as the favourite car brand of the French population
Across its entire 100% electric range, PEUGEOT ensures that zero-emission mobility remains accessible.
To meet customer needs, PEUGEOT is committed to offering driving ranges at the best level in the market. For example, the new E-3008 sets a new benchmark in its segment by announcing up to 700km of range, while the new E-208 reassures its users with a city driving range of 566km.
Jérôme Micheron, Product Director at PEUGEOT: “Our models are not only accessible (eg. Peugeot As You Go Financing solutions), but they are also the most efficient in their segments. For example, the PEUGEOT E-308 has the lowest electricity consumption in its category.”
PEUGEOT takes the customer experience, one of the 5 pillars of the E-Lion project, even further by offering ChatGPT technology across its entire range of passenger and commercial vehicles (on 5 pilot markets before a wider roll-out starting from the second half of 2024). The best-known generative artificial intelligence model is integrated into the PEUGEOT i-Cockpit and becomes, through the OK PEUGEOT voice assistant, a true partner capable of answering countless questions and requests on any type of subject.
Once the OK PEUGEOT voice assistant is activated, you simply need to voice your query for ChatGPT to respond in an enriched manner. The generative artificial intelligence can provide answers to specific questions, for example, suggesting landmarks to visit in a city, presenting them, and guiding you there in coordination with the navigation system, but it can also enliven your journey by interacting with occupants, giving free rein to your creativity.
Creating a complete ecosystem based on STELLANTIS solutions is another pillar of the E-Lion project. The STELLANTIS group is developing a Circular Economy business based on the “4Rs”: Remanufacture, Repair, Reuse, and Recycle.
PEUGEOT is part of this approach by using fewer materials – and more sustainable materials –, increasing their longevity, and ensuring their recycling at the end of their life. For instance, the new PEUGEOT E-3008 is made up of 23% recycled materials, including steels and polymers.
To ensure the recycling of end-of-life vehicles in Europe, STELLANTIS has created Sustainera Valorauto, a joint venture with Galloo, a European leader in recycling. Sustainera Valorauto offers professionals and individuals a complete solution that includes the collection and dismantling of vehicles, the recovery, refurbishment, and marketing of viable parts, and the recycling of materials.
Another joint venture specifically dedicated to the recycling of electric car batteries in Europe and North America has been concluded by STELLANTIS with Orano, a global leader in recycling. It will use Orano’s innovative low-carbon technology that allows for a significant recovery rate of materials from lithium-ion batteries.
Not to forget, battery repair in an internal STELLANTIS workshop dedicated to this activity has been part of our concrete actions for many years. .
Humanity and the environment are at the heart of the E-Lion project. PEUGEOT has decided to place education at the core of its responsible strategy and to focus its contribution on concrete educational actions that impact the environment.
A first partnership was set up in spring 2023 with the french scientific and educational association UNDER THE POLE, one of whose missions is to raise awareness among the new generation about the major challenges of ocean preservation. PEUGEOT BOXER vehicles have been made available to transport their equipment during upcoming expeditions, but also to tow the UNDER THE POLE educational caravan across FRANCE for its ocean awareness actions with the general public and in schools.
Today, PEUGEOT is announcing a second partnership for 2024 with the UK charity BORN FREE, which works to protect wild species and wild places by engaging, educating and empowering local communities to co-exist with wild animals in Kenya and other countries around the world.
Will Travers, co-founder of BORN FREE said: “The growing human population can lead to increased conflict with wildlife for example, lions attacking livestock. But with Peugeot’s support and commitment, BORN FREE is deploying effective, innovative strategies such as predator proof fences, or Bomas, to protect people and cattle, to conserve natural resources, protect wildlife and safeguard local people helping keep everyone safe.”
Linda Jackson, CEO of PEUGEOT: “Today, more than ever, a brand like PEUGEOT must contribute to a more responsible and sustainable world for future generations. We are on our way to achieving our Carbon Net Zero objective, but there are different ways of getting there. I am convinced that EDUCATION is one of the keys to a more sustainable world and that’s why we want to make our contribution”.