Dubai, UAE – 7th September 2023: Babyshop, the leading baby and children’s retailer in the MENA region, has partnered with creative agency FP7 McCann to launch an initiative called ‘Frequencies of Peace, which aims to transform children’s lives in war and disaster areas in support of UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency.

Syrian refugee children from Koura Informal Settlement, Northern Lebanon, watching a UNHCR-supported puppet show called ‘Train of Happiness’. The ‘Train of Happiness’ puppet show educates children who have lived in Lebanon most of their lives about their homeland Syria. There was a realization that children knew very little about their own country – and the project aims to raise awareness about Syria through an interactive puppet show focusing on the country’s history, tradition and culture. It builds the children’s sense of belonging to their home country. ; UNHCR Goodwill Ambassador Ben Stiller visited Lebanon in March 2019, spending time with Syrian refugees and host communities across the Bekaa Valley in eastern Lebanon, and Tripoli in the north of the country. In anticipation of the forthcoming eighth anniversary since the conflict in Syria began, Stiller has called for urgent and ongoing attention and funds from the international community to support Syrian refugees and their host communities in countries like Lebanon.

The new lullaby, developed with a dedicated team of neuroscientists from music therapy platform Spiritune, is a specially constructed song capable of calming, soothing and helping children get to sleep whilst living in devastating situations. A vital tool for parents and caregivers, the lullaby has been informed by evidence-based research in music therapy and neuroscience from leading institutions, such as New York University and Stanford.

Replacing the sounds of war with the sounds of a lullaby to bring comfort and hope across the Middle East, this novel approach to address and support babies and children affected by war, most embodies Babyshop’s ethos, that every child deserves the best start in life.

The lullaby is airing at bedtime, 8pm local time in Syria on “Melody FM” and “Arabesque FM” and is available to listen on Anghami , the leading music and entertainment streaming platform in the MENA region, and on Spiritune for those across worldwide. Sung in Arabic by artist and songwriter Ghaliaa Chaker, the public is  urged to listen, share with loved ones, and, if possible , donate to UNHCR via the provided link  or at  Babyshop stores, with proceeds going to help provision of child protection case management for Syrian refugee children in Lebanon.

Scientific studies show very clearly that music has a profound impact on the nervous system. Lullabies, in particular, are highly effective in      regulating children’s nervous systems, and this effect is reflected in their construction.  Elements, such as simple melodies , repetition, basic rhythm, low intensity, soft attacks, and small intervals       are all crucial       when composing       a song      capable of calming down an anxious (or any other adjective)  child. What sets Frequencies of Peace apart is that it has been specifically created for children in such situations.    

Across  the world, an estimated 200 million children are living in the world’s most lethal war zones in the Middle East. Babies exposed to the sights and sounds of terror and war have been shown to develop PTSD, depression, and high rates of anxiety as they grow up. According to UNHCR’s Global Trends Report 2022,children make up to 30%      but account for  41% of all forcibly displaced people. Children living      in countries affected by wars and disasters often experience      psychological distress, including anxiety, sadness, fatigue, and sleep disturbances.

FP7 McCann, along with Babyshop have created this concept, with support from Spiritune and with PR support in both the Middle East and internationally from broadcast specialists markettiers4dc. The lullaby has already been gaining attention and has won three prestigious Cannes Lions Awards ‘23 – A bronze in each category including, Radio, Entertainment, and Media.

Mitin Chakraborty, Head of Marketing at Babyshop comments “As Head of Marketing for Babyshop, I’ve seen firsthand the impact of collective action. ‘Frequencies of Peace’ was born from a realization that peaceful sleep is a luxury for children in conflict zones. This scientifically-designed lullaby is our humble attempt to offer them the tranquillity they deserve. It’s a joint effort with our incredible partners—UNHCR, Spiritune, and Anghami—uniting us in the commitment to make a real difference, one lullaby at a time.”

Fanti Federico, Chief Creative Officer at FP7 McCann comments “We are extremely proud to be part of this campaign, and to work with Babyshop, the artist and the team of neuroscientists from Spiritune. There is nothing more rewarding than using creativity to build effective and long-lasting tools that can benefit underprivileged people. This Lullaby can not only help children in war and disaster zones, but it can also represent a meaningful symbol of peace for the wider audience.” He added “The process has been humbling to be part of, and with the support of the UNHCR we hope that we can bring comfort to millions of children all over the world.”