54% of employees would recommend their company as a top place to work, and 68% take pride in promoting their company’s products and services.

MENA, 29 July 2024: The latest Employee Loyalty in the MENA survey by Bayt.com, the Middle East’s leading jobsite, and YouGov investigates the driving factors that contribute employees’ loyalty to their organizations, identifying actions that could enhance loyalty and recognizing the elements that could potentially undermine it.

Illustrating a considerable measure of stability within the workforce, a majority of the survey participants, amounting to 55%, report having been with their current companies for a tenure extending beyond four years. This stability is paralleled by workplace satisfaction, as nearly three out of five employees indicate satisfaction with their current employers. Results depict that 33% of current employees categorize themselves as ‘very loyal’ to their organizations, with an additional 23% feeling ‘somewhat loyal.’

However, the sense of loyalty is not without its challenges. The survey highlights that a prominent reason for employees not feeling entirely loyal is attributed to a lack of trust in their organization’s management, noted by 48% of respondents. Following closely, 39% point to lack of job security as a concern impacting their allegiance.

Despite some areas of concern, the survey finds that a vast majority of employees—81%—are highly engaged with their work, indicating a deep immersion in day-to-day activities. Noteworthy is the fact that 38% of employees show a commendable level of loyalty to their current organizations by choosing to stay for the long term, even in the face of potentially more lucrative offers elsewhere.

Ola Haddad, General Manager at Bayt.com said: “Understanding and nurturing employee loyalty is critical in navigating the dynamic landscapes of the MENA workforce. Our survey reveals a powerful correlation between trust in leadership and employee allegiance. As workplaces strive for excellence, it becomes increasingly clear that management’s transparency and recognition of their workforce’s contributions serve as the cornerstone of building a loyal and engaged team. At Bayt.com, matching job seekers with the right opportunities is our top priority. With the Middle East’s largest database of over 50 million job seekers and more than 40,000 job postings, we guarantee that job seekers find their ideal roles and employers discover the perfect candidates for their teams, ensuring mutual satisfaction.

In terms of factors contributing to employee loyalty, the survey reports that basic salary stands out as a critical aspect for 54% of respondents, closely followed by employee-job fit at 36%, and additional benefits from the company at 32%. To boost loyalty among their staff, employers have been advised by respondents to focus on increased recognition and rewards, cited by 60%, the creation of growth opportunities, pointed out by 52%, and the facilitation of regular discussion forums to understand and address employee grievances, emphasized by 50%.

The perceived benefits of fostering a high degree of employee loyalty are diverse, including the enhancement of work quality (74%), the willingness of employees to go the extra mile (67%), and a spread of positive word-of-mouth about the company (65%). 

In contrast, several factors are identified as potential loyalty detractors. Neglecting employee suggestions could significantly damage employee dedication, as indicated by 56%. Heavy workloads or unequal distribution of responsibilities (54%), lack of open communication between employees and their direct managers (51%), and assigning work for which employees are not prepared for(48%) represent other major sources of dissatisfaction that could lead to deteriorated employee loyalty. 

From the perspective of advocacy, a significant 54% of employees view their company positively enough to recommend it as a respectable place to work to others. Furthermore, 68% of employees express pride in discussing their company’s products and services, which can have a positive impact on the organization’s reputation.

Zafar Shah, Account Director at YouGov said: “This year’s findings underscore the complex interplay between job security, satisfaction, and loyalty within the MENA region. As the data suggests, employees who feel valued through fair compensation, job fit, and career opportunities are more inclined to feel more engaged in their workplace and speak about their companies’ products and services passionately. It is this sense of belonging and purpose that distinguishes highly loyal employees from the rest.”

Data for the 2024 Bayt.com Employee Loyalty in the MENA Survey was collected online from June 6 to 14, 2024. Results are based on a sample of 862 respondents from countries including the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Bahrain, Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq, Palestine, Syria, Yemen, Egypt, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya and Sudan among others.