By: Ahmed Basyouney, Managing Director of 3C Communications

Time changes and the type of customers we know is changing now as Generation Z grows. They have their own beliefs and values. They want the market to understand and provide them with products and solutions that help them to feel, act, and satisfy their needs better and better.  

Generation Z generally has strong values related to racial justice and sustainability. Mobilizations. They’re also living in a time marked by rapidly rising inflation, financial woes, and Rising loan debt. 

Some insights about Generation Z:

  • Generation Z constitutes 26% of the total population across the world. This means 2 billion people. 
  • Nearly 95% of them either own a smartphone or have access to one.
  • Generation Z is one of the most racially and ethnically diverse generations across the United States
  • Nearly half of this generation of individuals like to participate in a product review.
  • Over half of the Generation Z population prefers socially responsible and eco-friendly businesses and brands. 
  • 85% of the Gen Z population use different social media channels to learn about various products

They care about their look and how people see them, They love expressive clothes, want to stand out rather than fit in, and have an ever-changing style. Chinese fast-fashion giant, Shein, adds 6,000 new products to its website per day. This may seem at odds with the generation’s values of sustainability, but the speed at which Gen Z trends change and their desire for a unique style

What do they need? 

  • Generation Z subscribes to streaming platforms instead of buying films or music. So consumption is about access rather than ownership
  • Their tastes might change, and they are more likely to spend on experiences that enrich their day-to-day lives.
  • Members of this generation care about ease of use: mobile pay, app-based services, and simple online transactions are important, and brands have found major success.
  • They are a tech-savvy generation, but they like shopping in physical stores just as much as online.
  • They experience brands “at every moment” as they move through their digital and physical worlds. 
  • In one McKinsey study, 73% of Gen Z reported trying to purchase from companies they consider ethical, and nine out of ten believe that companies have a responsibility to address environmental and social issues
  • In the USA 40 % of Generation Z admit to being influenced online, often by the brands featured in the videos they watch. Members filter a lot of information, from influencers, family, and friends, to decide where and how they want to spend.

Understanding the customers is critical for running any business successfully, brands need to be willing to break the mold to effectively connect with Gen Z audiences. Otherwise, they’re spending time and resources on campaigns that have a high likelihood of falling flat.

How do we sell to Generation Z?

What makes marketing to Gen Z so different is that they’re our first generation of true digital natives. Their earliest memories are tightly linked to internet ephemera, like web games and viral social content. They likely took notes in school on a personal computer or tablet. Today, more than half spend over four hours per day on social media.

How do they purchase online? 

Purchases on social networks are most likely to use Instagram (71%), followed by YouTube (68%), TikTok (68%), Facebook (62%), and Snapchat (55%).

They are also using TikTok (43%) more than search engines (38%) like Google or Bing to search for products online, the survey found. According to a survey conducted by Jungle Scout included in the report.

How can we market to Generation Z? 

  • Authentic communication

Show your brand’s values and communicate the relevance of the product or service to them, customize your message and your value is the main key to reaching their brains and positioning yourself in their heart. 

  • Share their values with your products and services

Taking advantage of individuals and trends that are popular among is important to organizations that represent values that appeal to Gen-Z, such as prioritizing mental health and work-life balance.

  • Appeal To What Matters Most To Them

By understanding their insights and values you need to focus on values they care about in entertaining ways and with fast-move marketing tactics you can win, values like justice, sustainability, career development, and financial winning. 

  • Experience means a lot to Generation Z 

We know this generation is the smartest and has access to everything around the world. Creating an experience for them and keeping your quality will help you to sell anything if you earn their trust. 

  • Visual Platforms are the key

They spend a lot of time on short-form video content, consider incorporating visual platforms like TikTok, Instagram, and Snapchat is important to your brand, and sharing clear messages is a very important deal to them. 

  • Interactive Content and Entertaining

The old usual ways of content will not succeed with them, you need to create dynamic content to use their trends, and share it with smart tactics on your digital platforms will help you to acquire and retain them with your business 

  • Encourage them to your marketing 

Don’t let them just watch your work. You need to evolve their voice to your marketing and share their stories you don’t always need to sell. Sometimes becoming a listener and highlighting their stories will help you to win their hearts. 

Generation Z needs different marketing approaches with smart tactics to be involved to your brand.