TikTok And The New Age Of Advertising
By: Sarah Guessoum, Associate Creative Director at TikTok’s Creative Lab Middle East ( ex- Senior Creative at TBWA)

As with the rest of the world, the pandemic turned the creative industry on its head, sending us scrambling for any form of stability. It was a messy process, but now, almost two years later; it finally feels like we are heading in a positive direction.
A direction in which we need to be more resourceful and original in how we bring our ideas to life.
Back in 2020 when we were sent home from our offices, we packed our things expecting to be back at the office in a few days, weeks at most. Nobody thought we could get work done this way. We were way in over our heads. It took some time to get our bearings, managing our time and resources, and keeping up with the daily pace. We panicked, and so did our clients.
In a race to stay relevant, the briefs came pouring in, prompting us to communicate to people that companies were “standing with them in these unprecedented times”. After the first of these ads went viral everyone followed suit, and it quickly turned into the year’s cliché. People, as they always have, wanted communication that was authentic and gave them value, or at least information. But what they got was an abundance of brands that were “in this together”. There was a clear gap in the market.
Then the world went into lockdown and influencers had less to talk about and share. Travel was restricted. Movies, fashion, and all other events had halted. What kind of new experiences and content can you really create when you’re stuck at home in quarantine?
Turns out; a lot actually! This is what TikTok has shown us. In a way, it proved to be the perfect platform for the pandemic. It allowed people to shift moods and occupy their time as they created shareable experiences that inspired and brought joy to a global community that needed it more than ever. TikTok provided a new level of connectedness. People were crying, laughing, dancing, learning and social distancing—together.
Its magic sauce?
TikTok is driven by its creators. The simplicity and diversity of the platform’s editing tools allows everyone to become a creator and bring in unique content that is culturally relatable and unfiltered.
The numbers are in, and people have voted with their time to champion creators—not influencers. Over half the number of users think the app is credible and feel brave and free to create whatever content they see fit*. This means we’ve moved from the “everyone is a follower” to “everyone is a creator” mindset and that’s a good place to be.
It did not take long for brands to pick up on this and make their way into our hearts and feeds. TikTok is the one place where brands can show up as part of a community and connect with all sorts of audiences in an evolved way of advertising that’s more courageous, authentic, and entertaining.
Today, we’re seeing many TikTok-led brand campaigns picking up metals at D&AD, Cannes Lions, Spikes Asia, and many other prestigious award shows, and this is just the beginning. Brands and agencies are just starting to scratch the surface of what the platform has to offer. I’m excited to see how TikTok’s full creative potential comes to life.
*Source: Nielsen custom Authenticity Study commissioned by TikTok, Persons 18+, 5/1/2020 – 6/19/2020
Nielsen Authenticity Study commissioned by TikTok, Nov – Dec 2020 across KSA, UAE, EGY & TUR