About Marize Sami, Deputy MD, DENTSU CREATIVE MENA

In a rich tapestry of experiences of around 2 decades within the vibrant domains of communications and advertising, I have had the privilege of serving as a trusted client partner and dedicated leader, steering the course of innovation and creatively-led solutions. I embarked on my journey after earning a Bachelor of Arts in Integrated Marketing Communication alongside a minor in Psychology from the American University in Cairo.

My passion for advertising ignited early on, and I delved immediately into the field right after my graduation. Acquiring significant expertise at multinational agencies like FP7, Leo Burnett, BBDO, and most recently, Dentsu, has been instrumental in shaping my career trajectory.

My professional odyssey has been defined by an eclectic array of clients partnership spanning across different sectors including banking and finance, real estate, telecom, consumer packaged goods (CPG), healthcare, and tourism. Guided by a steadfast commitment to excellence, I have strived to deliver integrated solutions that transcend conventional boundaries, fostering enduring relationships with clients and pushing the boundaries of creativity and innovation.

Beyond the confines of corporate boardrooms, I am deeply passionate about driving positive change within the advertising industry. Through collaborative efforts with local universities and training colleges, I have been endeavoring to share my knowledge and give back to the community to nurture the next generation of advertising talent, providing mentorship and guidance to aspiring professionals as they embark on their transformative journey.

My pursuit of excellence has been punctuated by numerous accolades and awards, emblematic of the dedication and ingenuity invested in each campaign. From the illustrious stages of Cannes to the regional recognition at Dubai Lynx and Effie MENA, my journey has been illuminated by the recognition of peers and industry luminaries, underscoring the impact of creativity and strategic foresight in shaping memorable campaigns.

As I reflect on the contours of my career, I am reminded of the profound significance of collaboration, innovation, and a relentless pursuit of excellence. Each milestone, each triumph, is a testament to the unwavering dedication to the craft and a testament to the transformative power of advertising in shaping perceptions and driving meaningful change in society.

Celebrating Women of the Advertising Industry:

In the vibrant and dynamic world of advertising, women have played pivotal roles, shaping narratives, influencing culture, and breaking barriers. Their creativity, resilience, and vision have transformed the industry in profound ways, challenging stereotypes and championing diversity. As we celebrate the women of the advertising industry, we honor their contributions, recognize their achievements, and amplify their voices.

One of the most remarkable aspects of women in advertising is their ability to navigate a historically male-dominated field. Despite facing systemic obstacles and biases, women have risen to prominence, proving their mettle as creative directors, copywriters, strategists, and executives. Their leadership has fostered inclusive workplaces and fostered environments where innovation thrives. Through their determination and talent, they have shattered glass ceilings and inspired future generations of female advertising professionals.

As we celebrate the accomplishments of women in advertising, it is essential to recognize the ongoing work needed to promote gender equality and create inclusive workplaces. While significant progress has been made, challenges such as pay disparities, underrepresentation in leadership roles, and unconscious bias persist. At Dentsu we have a gender focused DEI council that listens to the needs of the female work force and activates initiatives based on these, as well as female acceleration programs to help to readdress the gender balance in leadership. By amplifying women’s voices, advocating for change, and fostering environments of respect and inclusion, we can build a more equitable and diverse advertising industry for future generations.

To all women in the advertising field:

  1. Own Your Voice: Recognize the value of your perspective and experiences. Don’t hesitate to speak up and share your ideas confidently.
  2. Advocate for Yourself: Know your worth and advocate for fair compensation, opportunities for advancement, and recognition of your contributions. 
  3. Foster Inclusivity: Champion diversity and inclusion within the workplace and in the campaigns you create. Embrace diverse perspectives and voices, as they enrich creativity and resonate with diverse audiences. Advocate for inclusive practices and representation in all aspects of advertising.
  4. Balance Work and Well-being: Prioritize self-care and well-being amidst the demands of the industry. Establish boundaries, practice mindfulness, and make time for activities that recharge and nourish your spirit. 
  5. Embrace Challenges as Opportunities: Embrace challenges as opportunities for growth and innovation. Learn from setbacks and failures, and use them as stepping stones toward success. 
  6. Be Authentic: Stay true to yourself and your values in all your endeavors. Embrace your strengths, acknowledge your vulnerabilities, and let your authenticity shine through in your work and interactions.
  7. Celebrate Your Achievements: Take pride in your accomplishments and celebrate your successes along the way. Your contributions are invaluable, and you deserve to celebrate them.

Above all, remember that you have the power to shape the future of advertising and inspire positive change. Stay passionate, resilient, and empowered as you continue to make your mark in the dynamic world of advertising.