Technology & Electronics Future In The MENA Region
By: Ahmad Gaafar, ICT Expert And Global Marketing Consultant

The only thing that remains constant is change! No one can ever stop or even resist it! The World, we live in, keeps changing around the clock…
Nowadays, our dynamic lives are typically dominated by technology; not only our professional beings are reliant on it, but also social and even personal lives are really driven by Technology!
Technology has always been reshaping the world, and the electronics arena specifically is a real locomotive of Technology! Now, we’re not only witnessing, but actually living the 4th Industrial Revolution, whereas no one can ignore the current, rapid evolution of digital transformation, especially in the MENA & Africa regions.
Electronics business is bearing a huge responsibility towards leading the implementation of the Digital Transformation era in all our diverse sides of lives; education, health, finance, energy, entertainment, agriculture and many other different businesses are all controlled by electronics technology
Modern people’s expectations about the disruptive electronics industry are getting higher and higher over days. In return, such a business has to get ahead of those expectations to introduce more innovative solutions and ever-creative products!
Since Technology adds convenience to our lives, electronics businesses have to keep satisfying this need; Artificial Intelligence has a lot to do in the present and much more to lead in the future. AI will be no more of luxurious features, it will turn into a real need in the future! People will expect machines and products to be more intelligent to define their habits, identify their needs, and detect their behavior to finally anticipate and process the user’s best convenience out
Our lives should get much easier and funnier in the future, electronic products and technological solutions should do more for consumers, especially the tech-oriented ones. Augmented Reality & Virtual Reality gaming industry will evolve dramatically with unique User Experiences that had never been introduced before.
Education & medicine sensitive, strategic sectors should be amongst the key beneficiaries of such industry’s evolution. Since there is no limitation here, the AR is already expanded to the Tourism business to create a huge opportunity for travel brands and agents to propose simulated experiences of different sightseeings all over the world. So e-tourism will grow dramatically and virally
Technology has always been going a long way towards advancing the interrelation among different devices and appliances to support the ecosystem. IoT is the solution to keep the miscellaneous devices interconnected through data sending and instructions receiving. Seamless communication between people, devices and appliances are being reached surprisingly, yet expeditiously!
Smart homes are currently popular for applying the IoT, However, in the future, electronics industry will explode, like never before, to penetrate profoundly Smart Cities, Building Automation, Automotive industry, and even the Health Care sector
Governments and Public Sectors will be more depending on technology and the electronics industry, especially in such economic recession and climate change long-term situation:
Through investment in technology, businesses can be more financially secured and positioned higher; Inventing new cost management tech-tools, for example, can definitely facilitate the supply chain efficiency, diminish redundant manpower to better utilize in less technology-replacement positions, and so productivity increases vertically.
From the Climate Change’s perspective, electronics industry should have lots to do, especially to introduce new environment-friendly products, boost the level of energy saving of the traditional appliances, get rid of the electronic waste safely, and maximize the use of recyclable material for packaging…etc.
Opportunities are mostly getting out of challenges; many start-ups will arise during the already-started economic recession, to introduce new techniques, solutions and products that can definitely create better efficiencies in almost every industry, over and above making people’s lives more comfortable and simpler. Digital revolution will be much fiercer, whereas more business prospects will be unlocked; many entrepreneurs have appeared during the COVID-19 pandemic, and now became the Leaders of the different sectors.
In conclusion, the moment that disruptive technology and the electronics field are evolving dramatically, people shouldn’t forget that we are still human beings, not physical beings! People are emotions, feelings and social interactions, not systematic machines! we have to care about our societal lives Vs imposed modern, digital lives.
Although Technology has tremendous advantages, we have to keep cautious and watchful not to be driven by its drawbacks!