Super by SuperUnion is the Brand new entrepreneurial experience brought to the region by SuperUnion, the world’s foremost branding agency, in partnership with Brandberries. Super is a brand development exercise to be awarded through a region-wide competitive process to lend expertise to promising new startups and entrepreneurial ventures in the Middle East.

The first edition of the competition will be launched at Vested Summit, held in El Gouna Egypt.

Brand berries interviewed Majdoleen Till, SuperUnion’s Managing Director for the Middle East for some inside scoop on this pioneering initiative that’s happening in the region.

BB: Super by Super Union is out and all geared up to be launched in the up and coming Vested Summit held in Gouna, Egypt. Can you give some insights on what is  Super by Super Union?

MT: Superunion is built in response to the nature of clients’ needs today. By engaging closely with our clients, we develop a holistic understanding of organizations at their very core to meet and exceed customers’ expectations. Driven by what we call “upstream creativity”, we focus on shaping people, products and experiences that build a way of life. It’s a faster, more impactful, more efficient and more creative of way doing business. That’s what makes us a next-generation brand agency.

The “Super” seed was planted back in March this year. It is our brand development program for startups and entrepreneurs who are ready to take the next step. In our experience, we realized that many businesses that have the potential to be the next big thing lack the strategic and creative support to effectively communicate their unique purpose and connect with their customers.

Through our program, we will identify a single startup for whom we will develop or strengthen a brand. And take them through a three week sprint branding process to build a positioning, name, identity and experience. This will be an engaging process that is collaborative, fast and creative.

Super by Superunion is set out to transform and empower startups’ journeys. And grow these businesses into next generation leaders.

BB: Superunion has chosen its Dubai office to be the launching point of the competition. How does this initiative impact the startup eco system in the Middle East ?

MT: The last few years has seen a boom in UAE’s and Middle East’s entrepreneurship market. In addition to the ventures themselves, the supporting ecosystem is diversifying as well. In the UAE specifically, today, there are many more universities, incubators and initiatives by the private and public sector that support innovation.

The region is brimming with opportunity, and we want to be a part of the growth. We want to support the youth, new ideas, and local innovation

BB: Who is Super by Superunion out to find?

MT: We’re looking for startups, entrepreneurs and small business from any industry who are ready to enter their next stage of growth. These are businesses who have a strong product or idea, but perhaps need support to more clearly identify, communicate and visualize their differentiation and customer experience. We want to collaborate with people who are passionate, and ready to be challenged, think out of the box and take the next step.