A step in the right direction

Nour Hamam, International Participants Manager, at Expo 2020

 A mini film by detergent brand Ariel, not branding related but a subtle message about feminism and splitting house chores with your partner. 

The mini documentary film shows a couple visiting new neighbors who share housework, making chai, and laundry when the neighbor spills some chai on the men’s blouse, he replies we will take care of it, spurring the wife’s negative reaction that she does all the housework.

Does it resonate with you? I felt it, the wife’s reaction was spurred  by her husband taking her for granted, and how he pushed her to visit the neighbor even though she was busy, he didn’t view her as equal. 

What’s become more than a campaign, it’s a commitment. With an attempt to take the message deeper and wider each year, reaching out to more people and unearthing cultural truths. And along with every new insight, the brand also incites action beyond communication. What’s heartening is that a movement created to make a shift in mindset has now become a part of culture. The slogan #SeeEqual has spurred people’s reactions in a positive way. 

It’s quite common for laundry detergent commercials to show that its always the woman doing the house chores, so this was a refreshing account from a different perspective. However brands are still slow to catch up, P&G dawn invites people to close the gap by sharing housework in a 30 second ad showing that 65% of women are doing house chores. 

Men experience positive emotional benefits from helping at home in fact: –

Of the men surveyed, 43% say that being more aware of household chores that their significant other takes on has made them want to help out more. For the men who have seen a change in the division of chores at home, there are a slew of positive benefits that they reap, with 52% saying they feel happier, 54% saying they feel more respected and 68% saying their family is stronger.

Cause marketing and closing the gender gap. 

On another hand, the “Daughter” by Audi commercial shows a cinematic ad with a father narrating his daughters first rally, is a bit compelling and challenges the gender quality in cause related marketing ad, as a father watches his young daughter competing in downhill cart race, he says “What do I tell my daughter that her grandfather is worth more than her grandmother, that no matter her education she will always be less, that gender equality still doesn’t exist, that she will be automatically be valued less than every man she’ll ever meet.” Is a powerful example of cause marketing when it comes closing the gender gap. It concludes with a powerful message “progress is for everyone” really resonated with me. 

Key takeaways from P&G’s Ariel #SharetheLoad campaign: 

  • A step in the right direction means including a different perspective nad breaking gender role sassumptions especially in cultures like india. 
  • Do your research and understand consumer behavior in cultures like India where its common that women perform all the house chores. 
  • Include a different perspective, and empathetic approach. Include insights from each country where gender quality is still not actionable.   
  • A meaningful slogan like #ShareTheLoad and #SeeEqual are powerful tools to push for change. 
  • Amplify the message on other channels, push for change no matter the gender, socio economic or education levels.