Programmatic audio refers to the use of technology and data to automate the buying and selling of audio advertising. This method allows for more efficient targeting and measurement of audio ads, and has the potential to revolutionize the audio advertising industry.

In the MENA region, programmatic audio is still in its infancy, but it is expected to grow rapidly in the coming years. As internet penetration and smartphone usage increases in the region, so too will the demand for programmatic audio. This will likely lead to an increase in the number of programmatic audio platforms and solutions available in the MENA region.

One of the major benefits of programmatic audio is its ability to target specific audiences. This can be especially useful in the MENA region, where there is a diverse population with a wide range of languages and cultures. Programmatic audio can also be used to target specific geographic regions, which can be beneficial for businesses looking to reach customers in specific countries or cities.

Another advantage of programmatic audio is its ability to measure the effectiveness of audio ads. By using data and analytics, businesses can track the performance of their audio ads and adjust their strategy accordingly. This can help businesses optimize their audio advertising campaigns and get the most out of their advertising budget.

In the future, programmatic audio is expected to become even more sophisticated, with the use of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) to optimize targeting and measurement. This will allow businesses to reach the most relevant audiences and get the most out of their audio advertising campaigns.

Audio advertising, which includes radio and podcast advertising, had been implemented outside our region for a while now and continues to be an important part of the advertising landscape. Audio advertising has several advantages over other forms of advertising such as the traditional formats of digital & offline media.

First, audio advertising is highly targeted. Radio and podcast listeners are generally more engaged with the content they are listening to, making them more likely to pay attention to the ads they hear. Additionally, radio and podcast advertising allows for targeting specific demographics, such as age, gender, and location, which can help advertisers reach their desired audience more effectively.

Second, audio advertising is more cost-effective than other forms of media, making it accessible to a wider range of businesses. Additionally, because audio advertising is more targeted, it can be more cost-effective in terms of reaching the right audience.

Third, audio advertising is highly portable. Radio and podcast listeners can tune in while on the go, whether they are driving, exercising, or doing other activities. This means that audio advertising can reach audiences in a variety of locations, making it a versatile form of advertising.

Fourth, audio advertising is memorable. People tend to remember the ads they hear on the radio and podcasts more than the ones they see on television or in print. This is because the human brain is wired to process and remember audio more efficiently than visual information.

Finally, audio advertising is an effective way to build brand awareness. Radio and podcast listeners often form a personal connection with the hosts and content, and when an ad is played, it can feel like a recommendation from a trusted source. This can help to build trust and credibility for the brand being advertised.

How to make your audio ad more interesting?

  • Mind your tempo

For 30-second ads, aim for 55-75 words. For 15 second ad, try to write 40 words. The usual “slow” speech rate guidelines are said to be around 110 words per minute.

  • Be conversational

Use a voice tone that you would use while speaking to a friend or loved ones. Practice recording your brand’s key message as you were having a conversation before drafting your script draft. The message should be clear, engaging, and accessible.

  • Include a call to action

Speak in a way that your listeners get a chance to engage. A direct call to action drives higher performance. Just try it!

  • Build a story and narrate it with heart

Transport the listener through the use of subtle effects and environmental imagery. The sound effect should be so powerful that a listener relates themself with the situation and the storyline.

In conclusion, audio advertising, including radio and podcast advertising, is an important and effective form of advertising. Its targeting, cost-effectiveness, portability, memorability, and ability to build brand awareness make it an attractive option for businesses of all sizes.