By Amani Ghanem, Public Relations Executive, Keel Comms

There is a palpable energy at Keel Comms that is hard to miss. The agency is breathing fresh life into the communications sector. As a new joiner, I was immediately drawn to their innovative approach to public relations. During my first few meetings, I heard murmurings from brands that PR was on its last legs—a casualty of unimaginative strategies and cookie-cutter content. 

Here is how we respond to these rumblings of discontent.

Personalize, don’t productize

Publicize yourself before your brand. Infuse the human touch in everything you do. We believe in the power of human connection. Instead of pushing your brand or product narrative, help your client share their unique ideas and insights. While pushing the brand narrative is important, try putting the spotlight on charismatic CEOs and their personal journeys and perspectives. Sometime this human-interest angle resonates better with audiences, and in turn the brand gains traction subtly and organically.

Promote unique ideas, rather than services

Take a client in the education sector; instead of touting their range of courses, try highlighting their unique philosophy of ‘learning through doing’. Or talk about the global educational development agenda and your client’s role in helping achieve Sustainable Development Goal 4 of ensuring inclusive and equitable quality education and promoting lifelong learning opportunities for all. Highlighting industry trends helps brands garner interest, and in the case of educational institutions, it could lead to increased enrolments.

Share fresh insights, as opposed to product stories

Consider a skincare brand. To stand out in a crowded market, share research-backed insights about skin health, rather than focusing on product features. Educating consumers rather than trying to sell them creates a loyal customer base.

Publish exclusive thought leadership articles, instead of press releases

Gone are the days of mass announcements and generic headlines, unless there is a major announcement. Focus on publishing thought-provoking articles with compelling headlines that captivate and engage. 

Mark occasions with activations, not only statements

Celebrate occasions through memorable experiences rather than bland statements. Creating engaging activations helps you connect with your audience on a deeper level. On the occasion of International Women’s Day for example, instead of issuing a statement, orchestrate a campaign encouraging women to share their stories of empowerment. The result? A surge in brand engagement and visibility.

Craft focused arguments; ditch generic topics

Transform a mundane topic like ‘data security’ into a compelling headline, ‘Are your secrets safe in the age of AI?’. The effect could be an invigorated curiosity, which holds the potential to spark widespread discussions around the topic.

Deliver sustainability initiatives, not just messages

Sustainability is more than just a buzzword; it is a commitment to our planet and future generations. As an ESG-focused PR agency, we place a high value on delivering tangible sustainability initiatives rather than merely crafting messages. We work closely with brands to embed sustainable practices into their operations and communications. This includes developing initiatives aimed at reducing carbon footprints, promoting ethical sourcing, and supporting local communities. Instead of simply talking about sustainability, we help brands demonstrate it in action. 

Pull, don’t push 

The fundamental truth is that public relations is not a mere carbon copy of advertising. Consequently, the approach must diverge from the conventional path. The emphasis should pivot towards forging genuine relationships, as opposed to leaning on traditional, impersonal strategies. It’s about captivating audiences by weaving compelling narratives and sharing insightful wisdom, as opposed to pushing out generic messages.