18 Apr. 24, Abu Dhabi, UAE – The Middle East Public Relations Association (MEPRA) is proud to announce the 9th edition of the UAE Leadership Majlis, scheduled to take place on Thursday, 30th May 2024. This year’s event will be held under the theme “The Potential and Dangers of Artificial Intelligence (AI)” in Abu Dhabi.

Recognising AI’s pivotal role in shaping the future landscape of industries and economies worldwide, the 2024 UAE Leadership Majlis will delve into the multifaceted aspects of AI. From its transformative potential to its associated challenges and ethical considerations, the event will provide a comprehensive platform for discussions and insights.

The UAE Leadership Majlis typically attracts over 100 industry professionals from agencies, corporations, and government entities. Attendees can expect an informative and engaging experience, with opportunities to network with peers and gain insights from leading experts in the AI and Communications fields.

“In an era where the frontiers of technology are rapidly expanding, it’s imperative that we, as leaders in the communications industry, stay at the forefront of these developments. We recognise the profound impact AI can have on our profession, businesses, and society at large. By leading the AI dialogue, MEPRA is not only staying ahead of the curve but also championing efforts to equip businesses with the insights and tools they need to navigate the complexities of the digital age,” said Kate Midttun, MEPRA Chairperson.

“We are committed to ensuring that our community is well-prepared to leverage the opportunities and mitigate the risks associated with AI, fostering a future where technology enhances our ability to communicate, innovate, and connect,” she added.

Leading artificial intelligence company, G42, proudly assumes the role of Platinum Partner for the 2024 UAE Leadership Majlis. Joining them as a supporting partner is global media monitoring and analysis company, CARMA. Together, these industry leaders bring invaluable expertise and support to ensure the success of this prestigious event.