Being an old geek and an avid “Treky” I would like to start by quoting the awesome captain Kirk “to boldly go where no man has gone before”, that statement always meant for me a new episode in a new world or even a universe and getting to learn about new species and new adventure. And it couldn’t have been truer even in today’s tricky and ever-changing marketing world.

I bet 9 out of 10 of anyone living on planet earth has heard or saw words like VR, NFT, Metaverse, Crypto; that last 1 person probably has been already living inside one of those metaverses I guess! And I am not here to share an opinion or give an analysis on wither these are the new norm in marketing or just a temporary fad, but instead I want to ask one simple question: “Are you, your company and/or brand welling to take the risk of not being ready?”

Back in 1995, one of today’s technology titans sent in internal memo to his company admitting that he has missed on a “Tidal Wave” which will change the world, that tide was called the “Internet” and bill gates knew that his company was late to jump in on it and he urged all his execs to double down on getting ready and catching up on the browser wars and getting themselves ready for the future. [] I still believe that Mr. Gates was lucky to have survived that fatal mistake and as we all know Microsoft now is on the cutting edge of all that is new and what is even yet to come. And everything of what we see now is/was inspired by that same moment, never be late and always be ready.

I strongly believe that marketers can not take the risk of missing out on a trend or at least not educating themselves (and their teams) about each and every trend that simply “Might” stick around. I can surely give you 10 reasons why those new marketing trends are here to stay and another 10 why they will simply fade into oblivion but then again, I find myself drawn to the more important question “Am I willing to take the risk?” and the answer is always a big, strong, firm NO.

Brands are remembered for few good traits but are forgotten by many bad ones, it is the simply yet complicated nature of life (and universe to keep the trek vibe alive) to constantly change, and since change is inevitable then embracing it is the only smart thing to do. I sincerely admire brands like Coca-Cola and Gucci and LV whom despite their 100 years plus old brand age still are young and fresh at their core and have jumped early into the Metaverse and NFT hype by creating virtual stores, collectable items and memorable games that all speak to their brand elements and communicates their readiness for the future.

While we all know and agree that change is not easy, yet I am always fascinated when law-makers and regulators are themselves at the frontend of technology and not only embracing the future but encouraging brands and marketeers and motivating them to do so as well, a great example is what we have here in the United Arab Emirates under the guidance of Crown Prince of Dubai Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum who has spearheaded the “Dubai Metaverse Strategy” aiming to make Dubai a regional and global hub for developing the technology and generating over 40,000 jobs [] and generating more than 1% of the city GDP. This government interest and guidance has enabled and encouraged government/semi-government/private sectors to blossom and we ended up seeing the first Dubai Police station in the Metaverse, Dubai World Trade Center launched the regions first Meta-Incubator, Emirates Airline launched their NFT collection and soon a full travel experience on the Metaverse and last but not least Pickl restaurant has announced the soon-to-open new branch for their famous burgers for everyone in the globe to enjoy their signature burgers.

I am not a blind optimist neither am I a pessimist, but I genuinely believe in being ready and in “better be safe than sorry” and another way of doing that is by investing in creating the trend by yourself, sure it is risky and costly but the gain is as big if not bigger, a great example of such brands are Facebook investing everything they have in the Metaverse (changing their entire group name is only one example of that dedication) and OPPO betting hard with their Air Glasses utilizing aR (Assisted Reality) which unlike VR is not intrusive but rather augments what we already see in real life and adds a digital layer on top of it to give you more information, marketing messages, user preference and much more.

In the end and just as I started this prolonged thought, if I had one advise to give it would be not to invest your time and energy in knowing the future but being ready for it by embracing it, if it stays then you are ready and set for success, if it fades away then you have learned new skill and sharpened your tools and set your eyes into the next challenge.

Live long and prosper!