We have seen some real turmoil in 2022 across the crypto space, however, I feel this will only help make the space stronger moving forward, by rooting out the bad players this should allow the pioneers of the space to continue innovating and hopefully bring back investor trust. Having said that, it’s not the technology behind a crypto that is bad or the cryptocurrency projects if there is a strong use case.

This leads me to today’s topic, “how brands can leverage Web3?” At the beginning of 2019 I started learning about blockchain, crypto, and the potential of NFTs, as a strategist and creative director I must stay relevant by continually building on my skills and I openly look for opportunities to do this. My Web3 journey started well before that when I had a small strategic branding business based out of Dubai Technology Entrepreneur Centre (DTEC) . This was where I got interested in everything Web3 and the potential of the space.


NFTs or non-fungible tokens are digital assets based on blockchain technology, “how can brands leverage NFTs and how are they relevant?” I asked myself these questions many times, I have even invested in over 100+ NFTs before really truly understanding the potential.

The Opportunity for Brands

When I was a child, I used to collect Panini football stickers, I would buy the album and then wait for my weekly pocket money before running off to the shops to buy that pack of stickers, hoping dearly to get one of my beloved Liverpool FC players or the club’s crest.

The difference today is you do not need the album or the physical stickers, saving on both cost and impact on the environment, brands like Panini can create unique APP experiences which utilize NFTs as digital collectibles.

These NFTs live on blockchains which show proof of ownership, more and more blockchains are allowing for NFTs to be minted which is increasing the competition and reducing gas fees. 

Collectors pay for NFTs using cryptocurrency that is native to the relevant Blockchain, Ethereum (ETH), Solana (SOL), Cronos (CRO), and so forth.

Panini is just one example, opportunities can be developed to work across any brand, business, and industry sector using the correct strategic process.

The potential for brands is huge!

Considering Web3 When Building Brands

Now bringing this back to, “how as a brand builder you can help your clients/company leverage this opportunity?” I feel the brand-building proposition must be rethought to include Web3 as part of the process, technology today plays a vital role in how brands stay relevant and Web3 must be considered in any branding or repositioning exercise.

A deep dive into Web3 ideas must be explored with the boardroom, bringing the boardroom in line with the opportunities and the huge potential and the impact this could have on their business.

The strategic process must then unfold with these insights and ideas in mind, only then can you connect technology, strategy, and creativity together to create a distinctive, potentially market-leading brand proposition.