July 5, 2023  — DoubleVerify (“DV”) (NYSE: DV), a leading software platform for digital media measurement, data and analytics, releases United Arab Emirates-specific insights based on last year’s 2022 Global ‘Four Fundamental Shifts in Advertising and Media’.Two years after DV’s original 2020 report, this 2022 expanded edition analyzed insights from over 16,600 global consumers in 18 countries, including over 500 consumers from the United Arab Emirates. At a time of significant macroeconomic change, these findings reveal the dynamic relationships between consumers, digital content, and advertising—arming brands and advertisers with the insights they need to make well-informed and strategic decisions. Key takeaways include:

  • The ever-increasing quality of content drives “stay at home” consumption—particularly on Connected TV (CTV) and social media—with 68% of UAE respondents stating that they spend more time post-pandemic consuming content daily than they did pre-pandemic (versus a figure of 55% for global respondents).
  • Attention fuels media efficacy—nearly three quarters (74%) of UAE respondents claimed an ad that captures their interest in the first five seconds will make them more likely to pay attention.
  • Online shopping surges and is bolstered by a contextual approach—68% of UAE respondents reported that they are buying more items online than pre-pandemic; 26% higher than global respondents overall. Additionally, 78% of UAE respondents admitted that they are more likely to pay attention to an ad if it’s relevant to the content they’re viewing—such as reviews or gift ideas. 
  • Trust and shared values foster loyalty, but consumers are quick to judge—consumers are concerned about the spread of inflammatory content – especially mis- and disinformation—in fact, 59% of UAE respondents said they are less likely to purchase/use a brand again if they see it advertised beside inflammatory content.

“Our 2022 Four Fundamental Shifts study showed how consumers are changing their habits in response to the current social and economic climate, and the turbulence of the last couple of years. This new insight digs further into our global research, focusing specifically on how these trends are developing in the United Arab Emirates” said Wassim Mneimneh, DoubleVerify Business Director, MENAT. “Our research shows how the global trends are growing more rapidly in the UAE, demonstrating a clear need for measurement and verification of online ads in the region. We’re seeing more digital content consumption than ever, growth in online shopping, and receptive attitudes towards relevant and contextually targeted advertising. All of this presents compelling opportunities for brands in the UAE. At the same time, our research shows the challenge of securing people’s attention in the face of digital fatigue, and the risk to brand values of delivering ads to unsafe or unsuitable environments. To take advantage of the opportunities and tackle the challenges, brands must develop their marketing strategies to navigate an increasingly complex ecosystem.”

Consumer appetite for content continues to soar—led by CTV, streaming, and social

Globally, most (55%) consumers are spending more time each day consuming content now than they did pre-pandemic. In the UAE, this figure is as high as 68%—21% higher than the global figure. The quality of available content being better than ever before, and a desire to stay on top of the latest trends and topics are the top drivers for UAE consumers spending more time online. 

CTV and streaming services have clear momentum, with 55% of global respondents having subscribed to additional services in the past 12 months*. UAE consumers are 30% more likely to have subscribed to additional streaming services in the last year, with nearly three quarters of respondents (72%) activating new subscriptions. While 27% of global respondents expect to spend more time on social media in the year ahead, this percentage was markedly higher in the UAE, where 47% of respondents think they will be spending more time using social media—74% higher than the global percentage.

64% of UAE consumers also stated they spend between 2 to 5 hours each day consuming online content during their leisure time, compared with 58% globally, highlighting the country’s high appetite for content. 

With digital content consumption rising significantly in the UAE, ad-supported content represents a growing opportunity for advertisers, with 74% of UAE respondents open to ad-supported video streaming apps, if such a feature will cut prices. Consumers in the UAE were among those most open to ad-supported streaming apps, surpassed only by consumers in Thailand (76%) and Vietnam (75%). 

Brands must address attention fragmentation or risk losing consumers

Survey respondents reported that they believe they see between 1 and 50 ads per day—estimates suggest the true average figure is at least 4,000.** 

Where an ad appears determines its impact, according to consumers. UAE respondents are receptive to seeing ads on social media platforms—43% of consumers find ads on social media to be the least invasive. The major global social platforms were all recognised by consumers in the UAE as having high potential for securing consumer attention. 

Timing is essential, with nearly three quarters of respondents in the UAE (74%) stating that they are more likely to pay attention if an ad captures their interest in the first five seconds. Brands must be mindful of the digital fatigue that consumers experience. Nearly half (48%) of UAE respondents said they feel more fatigued and overwhelmed from digital content than they did pre-pandemic—the second highest response of all countries surveyed, and significantly higher than the global benchmark.

Shopping’s digital maturity presents a new opportunity for brands to make an impact

Online shopping continues to grow as most global consumers (54%) report buying more items online now than they did pre-pandemic. This trend has grown faster in the UAE, where 68% of respondents said they are buying more items online—26% higher than the percentage of global consumers.

Pre-purchase habits are also evolving more rapidly in the UAE compared to the rest of the world, with 73% of respondents highlighting they use digital content to inform planned purchases more often than they did before the pandemic. The growth of e-commerce presents challenges and opportunities: 60% of UAE respondents stated that the volume of choices online makes it more difficult to make purchase decisions, but 79% of respondents also said they become aware of more brands the more time they spend online—the top country globally for answering positively to this question. 

Nearly four out of five UAE respondents (78%) said they are more likely to pay attention to an ad if it’s relevant to the content they’re looking at—like reviews or gift ideas. This reinforces the importance of contextually relevant ad placements. 

Brand values are key, as consumers reward action against inflammatory content, mis-/disinformation

The majority of surveyed UAE respondents (71%) are concerned that levels of mis-/disinformation**** are increasing—and brands must be conscious of ad adjacency. In fact, 59% would be less likely to purchase/use the brand again if they saw it advertised next to content that they determined to be mis-/disinformation.

Highlighting the significance of the issue, close to all UAE respondents (92%) stated they have been exposed at some point to mis-/disinformation on social media. The UAE is among the highest ranking countries for this insight. 

Over three quarters of consumers (76%) value brands that actively fight against mis-/disinformation and 74% stated that companies that are genuine and authentic appeal to them.

For the full 2022 ‘Four Fundamental Shifts in Advertising and Media’ report, visit: https://doubleverify.com/four-fundamental-shifts-in-advertising-and-media-report-2022