By: Angelique Fin du Croisy, Chief People Officer, BLR WORLD

For over a decade, my journey with global culture, entertainment, and events organizations has been driven by a passion to breathe life into experiential activations. As the Chief People Officer at BLR WORLD, the award-winning international experience consultancy, my mission revolves around a simple yet profound belief: brilliant experiences are born from brilliant people. In this article, I aim to showcase the transformative power of people-centered practices and how investing in individuals can redefine both customer and employee experiences.

The term “people-centered” has long been a buzzword, especially in the Human Resources field. For me it’s definition is simple — it is the invisible thread weaving through the experiences we create. Starting with the brand culture, flowing through talent attraction and acquisition, embedded within employee experience, and culminating in customer, visitor, or user experience, being people-centered influences every touchpoint, influencing the way we inform and inspire our audience, whoever they may be.

To illustrate, we can consider the words of Joe Pine, author of The Experience Economy: “Nice is nice, but rarely does it rise to the level of memorability, and if you did not create a memory, you did not create a truly distinctive experience.” This holds true not only for our brand, products, content and marketing functions but is also fundamental for HR and Recruitment to transcend the role of a service provider and become a valuable business partner.

The essence of dynamic people-centered practices lies in understanding what employees feel, fostering environments for teams to “be safe, become, belong, and believe.” Dave Ulrich’s insights on employee experience, or ‘HR 3.0,’ resonate deeply here. The question then becomes: How have we achieved award-winning excellence at BLR WORLD, and how can others emulate our success?

Nurturing Brilliance

Our success lies in orchestrating a people-centered approach, not just showcasing a product. From the Louvre Abu Dhabi to the World Cup, our expertise merges a passion for arts and culture with inspiring minds and bringing people together by fostering environments that enable people to be their best.

A Symphony of Ideas

Collaboration is at the heart of success. Actively listening, understanding, empathizing, ideating, and creating are integral to our approach. We engage in a comprehensive review and refinement process with our clients to tailor our search for individuals who not only meet functional criteria but also align with the broader strategic vision and brand message.

Navigating Challenges

Challenges are seen as opportunities. Tight timeframes, niche requirements, or new markets should be navigated nimbly, with adaptability and efficiency. Our people-centered process ensures success by ensuring that the right people are in the right place at the right time.

Putting Personalities in the Spotlight

Recognizing the pivotal role of personalities, especially in public-facing positions, we employ cutting-edge evaluation techniques, including a one-way video interview process. Beyond technical capabilities, it ensures selected individuals possess the presence and enthusiasm essential for captivating audiences.

Our meticulous recruitment journey, transitioning from virtual to reality, also includes in-person group assessments and panel interviews. This step goes beyond evaluating individual qualities, ensuring a harmonious team dynamic.

In conclusion, a commitment to people-centered practices is a transformative force, illustrating how the right individuals can elevate not just a brand but the entire human experience. This article, rooted in personal experiences, aims to illuminate how investing in people and dedicating ourselves to innovative processes breathe genuine vitality into projects, reshaping the very landscape of experiences. It’s a testament to the belief that people aren’t just assets; they are the lifeblood of an organization, and by investing in them, we not only redefine brands but also enhance the fabric of the broader human narrative.