By: Hedaa Ashraf, Social Media and Influencers Marketing Manager, La3eb

In recent years, Saudi Arabia has witnessed a transformation in the way it celebrates its National Day. While traditional festivities like parades and fireworks remain an integral part of the celebration, the digital revolution has given rise to a new dimension in the form of social media campaigns. Saudi National Day campaigns on platforms such as Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat have not only become a reflection of the country’s modernization but have also played a pivotal role in shaping its national identity and global image.

The Evolution of Saudi National Day Campaigns

Historically, Saudi National Day was celebrated through local events, government-sponsored activities, and televised programs. However, as Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030 initiative propelled the nation into the digital age, the way Saudi Arabians celebrated their National Day began to change. The emergence of social media platforms as powerful tools for communication, expression, and influence has been instrumental in this evolution.

The Power of Hashtags

Hashtags are the driving force behind many Saudi National Day campaigns. Trending hashtags, such as #SaudiNationalDay, #الیوم_الوطني_السعودي, and #SaudiPride, serve as virtual gathering points for Saudis and non-Saudis alike. These hashtags unite people in celebrating the nation’s achievements, culture, and heritage. Through hashtags, individuals, brands, and influencers share their unique perspectives and creativity.

Showcasing Cultural Richness

Social media platforms offer a stage for Saudis to showcase their cultural richness. From traditional dances, music, and attire to modern art, photography, and culinary delights, social media allows Saudis to display the country’s diverse cultural tapestry to a global audience. This cultural exchange not only enhances international understanding but also promotes Saudi Arabia as a vibrant and welcoming nation.

One excellent example of a Saudi National Day campaign that harnessed the power of social media, Neom’s Saudi National Day 2022 campaign #IamTheChange. The campaign focused on uniting a fresh wave of highly motivated individuals, including creative minds, engineers, racing enthusiasts, artists, and entrepreneurs. Together, they aimed to narrate the aspirational vision of Saudi Arabia’s future.

From YouTube to Twitter, Neom delivered the campaign message through video content using the hashtag #IamTheChange which encouraged young people to contribute under this hashtag.

This hashtag ensured that all user-generated content was collected under one umbrella, making it easy to track and share across other social media platforms.

As we look to the future, it is evident that the power of social media will continue to shape Saudi National Day campaigns, amplifying the celebration’s reach and significance. In an increasingly connected world, the digital space will serve as the canvas upon which Saudi Arabia paints its story, fostering a sense of national identity and pride that resonates not only within its borders but across the globe. The ongoing evolution of Saudi National Day campaigns through social media stands as a testament to the enduring relevance of tradition in the modern age and the boundless potential of technology to unite hearts and minds in celebration.