By David King, Managing Director of VERTECO

In the ever-evolving world of marketing, brands must seek innovative and exciting new ways to connect with consumers. Many big names are struggling in 2024 with rising costs and fierce price competition so marketers need cost-effective yet meaningful marketing solutions to distinguish themselves from the competition. Multisensory marketing, designed to engage the five senses and unlock deep connections and meaningful bonds with consumers, has been used for decades as the cornerstone of marketing strategies. However, science shows that our sense of smell makes the strongest of these connections and scent marketing is fast becoming a powerful tool that is rapidly gaining recognition. 

The power of multi-sensory marketing

Multi-sensory marketing aims to engage more than one of a consumers’ senses at a time and is proven to be highly effective in creating memorable and emotional associations. Traditionally, the power of sight and sound have been tipped as the most important senses to target when it comes to forging connections. However, behavioural science shows that it is in fact our sense of smell that is most intimately linked to our memories and emotions. 

Our sense of smell has a direct link to our brain’s limbic system – the part which controls emotions and memory. If we walk into a space that smells good, it not only creates a good first impression, but we create a pleasant association with the brand, foster stronger emotional connections to the space, and brand recall is improved.

The science behind scent marketing is powerful, with research showing that simply by filling a space with a nice scent, brands have the power to evoke positive feelings, trigger memories, and even influence purchasing decisions.

Scent marketing in competitive markets

The UAE represents a global hub for luxury and innovation. Our malls and hotels are some of the best in the world, epitomizing a blend of rich cultural heritage and cutting-edge modernity. Marketers need to stay ahead of the competition and appease a market seeking high-quality products and services. Providing a consumer experience that resonates on a deeper level is key.

Scent marketing satiates this demand by creating an invisible yet powerful connection between brands and consumers. In Middle Eastern environments where sensory experiences are valued—whether through the rich aroma of traditional Arabian perfumes or the contemporary scents wafting through high-end malls—utilizing scent marketing can significantly enhance brand perception and loyalty.

Incorporating scent into marketing strategies

A walk through one of Dubai’s mega malls is already a feast for all the senses. So how can commercial spaces cut through with a scent that will make a big impact? 

Developing a signature scent is more than just about picking something that smells good. It requires a thoughtful and strategic approach, taking into consideration brand identity, target audience, and the feelings and emotions they want to evoke. 

Collaborating with scent marketing experts is crucial, as they will provide end-to-end support in developing and integrating a signature scent, ensuring a brand’s identity is translated into a fragrance that makes a difference. 

The scent a brand adopts not only needs to be balanced and memorable, but it also needs to be carefully crafted to ensure it evokes the right emotions and tells the story of your brand. Customer preferences and cultural nuances must also be considered, with many brands in Dubai opting to include traditional notes like oud with contemporary blends that reflect modern ideals.

Once a scent has been tested and refined, correct installation is important to ensure scent is diffused consistently and a cohesive and recognizable experience is maintained. Marketers must also continue to monitor the impact that scent marketing is having on consumer behaviours, so they can make adjustments, if needed, to optimize results.

Once the perfect scent has been selected and installed, marketers can then focus on complementary sensory elements. For example, the scent can be integrated with visuals, sounds, and textures to create a truly holistic multi-sensory experience.

Scent marketing – not to be sniffed at

The power of scent is undisputed. In dynamic markets like the Middle East, where a unique consumer environment is ripe for multi-sensory experiences, scent marketing can unlock new levels of brand success.

Experts can guide commercial businesses through a comprehensive approach, ensuring their scent marketing strategies are effective and cohesive, in turn elevating a brand’s presence and consumer loyalty.

As a leading supplier of scent diffusers in the United Arab Emirates, VERTECO helps brands to take advantage of the emotional power of scent marketing. From analysis to installation, we customise fragrances to the needs of your space no matter what the size and maintain diffuser installations to ensure a consistent level of fragrance at all times. For more details, visit: