The current global pandemic has affected every business around the world. Companies from big to small are having to assess and alter their strategies. Having a crisis strategy in place to handle every possible eventuality has never been so important, and now more than ever, brands are not only having to protect their reputations, but also navigate and survive the unknown.

Any action taken, could impact brand reputation, and consequently, businesses need to be following a systematic crisis plan while and simultaneously be able to adapt and action accordingly. 

Here are five key points to consider when it comes to crisis management.  

  • Reassess Your Crisis Framework 

Most firms will have a robust crisis plan in place, which is made up of into roles, generic scenarios/ layered gravitas, key stakeholder and contacts etc. A specific Covid-19 version will need to be compiled, after reviewing and analysing business impact, and after understanding the status of your affected lines of business. It’s important to follow government guidelines as to what and when to action – ensure you have a touch point with the local authorities if you are a physical service provider that involves human contact.


  • Layout All The Scenarios  

Expect the unexpected. When drafting statements, whether that’s for internal or external stakeholders, you must be prepared for all scenarios. Collaborate internally and involve every key member who needs to be involved. As an example, if you have a retail business a customer could flag that they have seen someone who they think has the virus, or a staff member might contract the virus – you need to be prepared to issue a statement to the concerned stakeholder. It’s imperative you do this, so you are prepared for every eventuality and you are able to respond quickly and efficiently.

  • Communicate Clearly And Concisely 

Knowing what to say, how to say it and when it say, is crucial. Know your brand mission, the core values and ensure this comes across in every single part of your communication. Create a message house, align internally and ensure you are speaking with one voice no matter where and whom you are communicating to. The overall tone of voice is crucial, companies must remember to be empathetic and human.  


  • Constantly Monitor, Evaluate and Re-evaluate 

Keep abreast of the ever-changing situation, the impact it is having on your business and your brand reputation. With this, review your scenarios and evaluate them – it might mean you to consider further statements, as things rapidly change. This is where preparation for every eventuality will play a big role. Be prepared to re-evaluate, be agile and adapt your strategy no matter what.


  •  Stakeholders And Dialogue     

It is important to keep an open dialogue with all your stakeholders. Staff need to hear from your CEO – the leader of the business – and be the first to know of any changes to the business. Your customer also needs to hear from you, so ensure your external platforms and the teams running them, are clearly briefed and aware of how, when and what you are communicating.

This is a time where brands who communicate correctly will be remembered. Strategies may have to change but stay true to your brand values – and no matter what, be prepared for anything and everything.