Dubai, UAE — July 2024 — This year’s European Championships are at an end. But  one thing that has remained throughout the entire competition is the ‘Euro food  war’. Fans who flocked to Germany for the month-long tournament have  entertained themselves with signs that taunt their opponents about their cuisine.  For example, signs like ‘Pasta > Paella’ were held up during Italy versus Spain. Or,  signs like Fondue > Fish and Chips’ were held up during Switzerland versus England. 

Deliveroo‿and us saw this as the perfect opportunity to create a campaign that  seized the moment. Since Dubai is made up of 85% expats — and thanks to the  time diVerence games were on at peak munch time — it was the perfect chance to  make football fans feel like they were part of the action. Turning the signs into  promo codes, fans across the UAE could claim food supremacy. By inputting the  code, fans got entered into a draw to win a 500AED voucher — but more  importantly, they added to their team’s tally in the Euro Munch Match. So in the end  Spain/England may have won in the football, but the real winners were the ones  who ordered on Deliveroo. 

Fadi Yaish, CEO & Chief Creative Officer of and us, states: 

“These are the kinds of opportunities we’re always looking for. It’s a chance to  create something that is right in the heart of culture. And when you have incredible  partners like Deliveroo, you can make work that makes a massive impact.” 

George Schempers, Head of Marketing at Deliveroo: 

“Food and football go together perfectly. And so do Deliverooand us. In our  market, you have to be quick to capitalize on these cultural moments and we took  this opportunity to do something truly creative.”